Covid-19 Updated 08-28-2020

Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,   As we near the end of August I am happy to report that we still do not have any positive COVID cases at Oak Meadows. We have been very fortunate.  As I mentioned last week other buildings around us are seeing their second round of positive cases. So,…

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Do you remember Wilson? 8-20-2020

Joan is the writer for this article

Joan has gifted us with her talented writings since Covid began on March 13.  This one will make you smile!       WILSON   by Joan,  a tenant at Oak Meadows   ‘Up and down, backward and forward, comedy and tragedy!  Our life experiences are meant to lead us to new knowledge and movement…

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Covid-19 updated 7-24-2020

Date:     July 24th, 2020   Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,   Happy Friday everyone! I am pleased to report that Oak Meadows does not have any positive COVID-19 cases at this time. We have been very fortunate and I pray every day that we can keep it this way. Last week the Governor released…

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Covid-19 updated 7-10-2020

Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,   Happy Friday everyone! Thank you to everyone who participated in our 4th of July car parade! It was so hot but the ice cream cooled us down and the fun was well worth it.  We are so grateful to all who came. Beginning next week on Mondays and…

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Covid-19 updated 7-7-2020

Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,   Sadly I must inform you today that we have our first positive COVID-19 case at Oak Meadows. The person who has tested positive is a staff person. Fortunately they have not worked at Oak Meadows for over 7 days so they were not in contact with any tenants…

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Covid-19 Updated June 12, 2020

Oak Meadows continues to remain clear of any positive COVID-19 cases. We have been fortunate so far. Our plans are to continue using necessary precautions to try to keep us COVID free. But that means as things begin to reopen we are going to need to be even more vigilant about protecting ourselves from unnecessary…

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The many face coverings of staff!

Every day, we wear face coverings.  It isn’t always easy, but we do it for each other and for our tenants because we realize how important it is.  We have been blessed not to have Covid-19 in our community.  We take the necessary steps every day (and a little bit of prayer!) to not get…

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Covid-19 Updated May 29, 2020

05-29-2020   Dear Oak Meadows  tenants and families,   I am pleased to report again this week that Oak Meadows remains clear of any positive COVID-19 cases. I know that is always good news to hear but I want to also stress that it does not mean we are out of the woods yet. Positive…

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Covid-19 Updated May 8, 2020

As of today we are still free of any positive COVID-19 cases here at Oak Meadows. Thank you to each of you and your families for all of your cooperation following our shelter in place policies. You are helping to keep us all safe. I also know how difficult it is to not see your…

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Bandanahh! Band Plays outside at Oak Meadows 4-23-2020

The Bandanahh! Band played at various points around our building while tenants looked out the windows and sang and danced along with them.  The band has played at Oak Meadows for years, but because we are still “shelter in place” because of COVID-19, they thought it would be fun to play outside.     [rl_gallery…

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