Voted Best Assisted Living 2015

Thank you for voting Oak Meadows “Best Assisted Living” since 2001.  It really is an honor.  Without our wonderful tenants and families, outstanding staff and board, and dedicated volunteers we wouldn’t have gotten this award for the past 14 years.    

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Artist Celebration!

Join us for our intergenerational artist celebration on Tuesday, August 4th from 5:00 -6:30 at Skyview Middle School. See the flyer on the calendar page for directions.

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New Law July 1, 2015, Observation Status Medicare

Notification Requirement of Observation Status Begins July 1, 2015. A new state law effective July 1 requires Minnesota hospitals to provide oral and written notification to patients within 24 hours of being placed in observation status and to document the date of the notice in the patient’s records. To comply with this new law, hospitals…

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Intergenerational Team of Artists at Oak Meadows

Guided by Public Artist, Anne Krocak, teams of two, one senior team from Oak Meadows and one student team from Skyview Middle School, are creating a number personal and public art pieces to be permanently displayed at Oak Meadows and Skyview. The theme is “ducks” and has been named this after a duck that hatches…

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Look, a cardinal!

Life Care Manager, Elizabeth Johnson, RN, is “always looking for the little sparks” in her clients. She believes that finding those little passions that give people a sparkle in their eye or a purpose to get up in the morning are the keys to helping them live life on their terms and improve outcomes. She…

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Powerful Video

This is an incredible video called Dad, son and the bird. Watch the video by clicking the YouTube player below!  

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