Happy Easter!

We’ve been busy this week.  We colored eggs, and made 60 Easter bags for children at Emma’s Place in Maplewood.   We will deliver them on Friday.  Just imagine the kid’s faces! See more photos under the photo tab.

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Vote for Us! Like Us!

Please like/vote for the Oak Meadows Senior Living mosaic art piece on ALFA’s Face Book page.    http://alfa.org/2014art   Our piece Is on left side of all the photos, down 22 spaces.   ALFA and Sargent Art have launched the third annual Senior Living Art Showcase, a competition recognizing the talents of senior living residents.…

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Know the Heart Attack and Stroke Warning Signs

Do you know anyone who has had a heart attack or a stroke?  Curious about what to do if someone you know had one, or has one, when they are with you? Then come to this important class! American Heart Program 2-12-2014        

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Beautiful snow today

Look out any window at Oak Meadows today, and see the beautiful snowfall we had this morning.  While it made for a messy commute, it made for a picture perfect postcard scene!  One of many nice things about living here is you look out your window at the beautiful surroundings, and you don’t have to shovel…

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