Sainted and Tainted

Every Saturday the St. Paul Pioneer Press prints a “Sainted and Tainted” section in their paper. People write in either sainting people for good deeds, or tainting for bad. Imagine our surprise when we received a “Sainted” from one of our tenant’s daughter. Sainted and Tainted

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Know the Heart Attack and Stroke Warning Signs

Do you know anyone who has had a heart attack or a stroke?  Curious about what to do if someone you know had one, or has one, when they are with you? Then come to this important class! American Heart Program 2-12-2014        

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Beautiful snow today

Look out any window at Oak Meadows today, and see the beautiful snowfall we had this morning.  While it made for a messy commute, it made for a picture perfect postcard scene!  One of many nice things about living here is you look out your window at the beautiful surroundings, and you don’t have to shovel…

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We have some great events planned for the rest of January.  The youth from Guardian Angels will be here constructing a winter craft.  We have trips planned to Baker’s Square, JC Penney, Target, Rainbow and Hoho’s Chinese.  Pies with the Guys, Coffee with the Chef and a birthday party are also in planned. We will be meeting…

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Holiday Helping Hands, Oakdale Christmas program

For the past month, Oak Meadows tenants have donated money for two families in the Oakdale area. This money, along with over 100 community members and Tartan High School Students monies,  was then used to buy gifts and food for families in the area.  Oak Meadows bus driver, Dave Schiltgen and director of community relations,…

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We won “Judges Choice” from the MOMBA awards!

I know you are asking:  What’s a MOMBA?   MOMBA stands for Mature Online Marketing Business Achievement and is sponsored by a world class leader in generating qualified online leads for senior living communities.   MOMBA the Penguin is the official mascot.  Executive Director, Connie Dow, was presented a glass trophy of MOMBA the penguin…

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