It’s going to be hot this week in Minnesota 07-18-16

The weather is going to be hot and muggy this week.  Dehydration is a serious issue with the elderly and people who have chronic health conditions.  Read more below.

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New Executive Director, Deborah Veit 06-27-16

  Deb comes to Oak Meadows with a wide range of experiences, skills and knowledge. She started her career as a nurse, and then moved to church work and for the past 9 years has worked in senior housing at Episcopal Homes and Woodbury Senior Living.   We believe her strong background, being concerned about…

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Executive Director, Connie Dow, Retires after 18.8 years 06-27-16

Connie Dow has retired as Executive Director after 18.8 years at Oak Meadows. Connie was our first, and only, Executive Director since we opened in 1998.   Connie brought Oak Meadows to its present outstanding position in the senior housing market. We will miss her, and wish her well on her retirement.   The Mayor…

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Flag Day at Oak Meadows 06-14-16

The history of Flag Day The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America’s birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the…

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Never to old to learn 05-19-16

Last night, 25 tenants went outside at 9 p.m. to listen to Pete Schneider talk about Jupiter. Pete brought his telescope which was hooked up to a big screen t.v. so they all saw the night sky in real time.   He also shared photos he has taken, from his telescope, of Saturn, Ring Nebula…

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We are the “cheesiest!” 03-08-2016

We entered our name into a contest with KSTP Channel 5, Twin Cities Live.     See the video for the results!  If you don’t want to watch the entire thing, we are at the 12:59 mark  (if you decide to fast forward, it takes a bit to catch up.)    

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We are on Channel 5 Eyewitness News!

Channel 5 Eyewitness news did an amazing story about our memory care tenants and the clay class they have been involved in over the last 8 weeks with the Northern Clay Center.    

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