Kind Words! 7-5-21

Thanks to families and friends for sending us such kind words about the video for our first cookout! We really appreciate them.
Great video! Love it at the end when you invite people to “come live with us”! It is a FUN place to live … blessings and happy 4 th! Family member
This is great! Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful 4th!!! Family member
I was all set to send you comments on how much fun yesterday was. I am grateful you videoed it. The music was superb and perfect for the mood of this time of “coming out” for everyone. I was caught between those sitting outside and those sitting inside so I kept going back and forth. Yesterday was pure JOY. Thank you for spreading it. We all caught it. Blessing, Tenant
Great event! Nice to see everyone being able to move toward a sense of normalcy after the last year and a half of pandemic living. Thank you for all that you and your staff have done to keep the residents safe and healthy during these trying times. Family Member
This was so awesome to see everyone together again, and then to see my folks enjoying the music – dancing (what?!), it was wonderful – thanks for sharing! You do so much there for everyone. Thank you! Family member
Thank you for sharing that video with us. I saw things that I missed yesterday. Many saluting to God Bless America, which was so very moving to me, and remembering my dear Dad so patriotic, in WW1. Friends dancing, singing and smiling, it was so lovely and I thank the Whole Staff for working so, so hard doing everything to keep us happy and smiling. Tenant
I was nearly in tears while I watched it. So moving in many ways. Board Member
Thank you so much for sharing! family
Here is the video again, in case you missed it!