Mask Update for Covid 05-14-21

To: Oak Meadows staff, tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: May 14th, 2021
Re: COVID update and other information
Dear Oak Meadows staff, tenants and families,
COVID testing: At this time all COVID testing has been negative in all of the Oak Meadows community. We will be testing Oak Meadows staff and Ponds tenants again on May 28th. I will keep you posted what time that will be happening.
Everyone: Please remember to always wear your masks, maintain social distance and wash your hands. Any tenants who leave the building please use all COVID precautions when out in public. I know that mask mandates are lifting across the state but that does not include recommendations for senior living. Also the cities of St. Paul and Mpls will continue to have mask mandates in place. I know we are all anxious to stop wearing our masks but for now we need to continue with this policy.
- I have received complaints from a couple of tenants that stated they have seen other tenants in the halls and common areas with their masks off. I am asking everyone to continue wearing your masks when out of your apartment.
- Part of lifting the mask mandates indicates that if you have been vaccinated you can be with others mask free if they have also been vaccinated. Given the fact that not everyone has been vaccinated we want to respect each other by wearing our masks at all times when out of your apartments. We have gone this far. Let’s keep up the good work for just a couple more months!
Important Messages:
- Window washing will begin on May 19th. The company will be washing both inside and outside windows. They will need access to your apartment. If you do not want them to do the inside of your windows you must notify me before the 19th. This may take 2 to 4 days to complete.
Welcome: Please welcome Emily Percy to her new position at Oak Meadows as our Dining Director. Emily has been with us as a cook for 2 years and we are very excited she accepted the offer to become the Director. I would love for all of you to take a moment to meet her, say hi and tell her what your favorite food is!!
If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me anytime.
Deb Veit, Executive Director
Where masks are still required under CDC guidance
Despite the lifting of the statewide indoor mask mandate, Minnesota and the CDC says that masks should still be worn in the following settings:
– Healthcare facilities
– Congregate care settings (like nursing homes, jails, homeless shelters)
– Public transportation
– Planes
– Schools (until the end of the academic year)