Covid-19 update 03-19-21

To: Oak Meadows staff, tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: March 19th, 2021
Dear Oak Meadows staff, tenants and families,
Unfortunately, I have received word today that two more staff members at Oak Meadows have tested positive for COVID. This gives us a total of 3 positive staff which is considered an outbreak based on MN Department of Health guidelines. The two new staff cases remain asymptomatic but will be staying home as directed by the State. The third staff person is home recovering with mild symptoms.
State guidelines require that we halt all indoor guest visits in to our building until further notice. Essential Caregivers may continue to come in the building but no other visitors at this time. I know this is very disappointing news but it is just another reminder to us how unpredictable this virus can be.
Ponds tenants were tested today and I hope to have results by Monday. Pines tenants were tested Wednesday and we are still waiting for final results. I will let you know as soon as I get results.
A reminder to everyone that we cannot divulge personal information about anyone regarding their vaccination or COVID status. Oak Meadows does not require staff or tenants to be vaccinated against their will and we would never terminate employment of a staff who chooses not to be vaccinated. We firmly respect people’s privacy and freedom of choice.
Please remember to always wear your masks, maintain a 6 foot social distance and wash your hands. And if you leave the building use all COVID precautions when out in public.
COVID testing: Ponds tenants and Oak Meadows staff will be tested again on March 26th beginning at 8am. Pines tenants and Ebenezer staff have a separate testing schedule. We will continue our weekly COVID testing until we have at least 2 weeks in a row of all negative results.
If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me anytime.
Deb Veit, Executive Director
Deborah Veit
Deborah Veit, Executive Director
Oak Meadows Senior Living
8131 4th St. N
Oakdale, MN 55128