Covid-19 update 03-12-21

To: Oak Meadows staff, tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: March 12th, 2021
Re: COVID update
Dear Oak Meadows staff, tenants and families,
Governor Walz and the MN Department of Health have released new visitation guidelines for senior living facilities today. Beginning immediately Oak Meadows will be revising our visitation policies to match the MDH recommendations. These revisions will remain in place as long as the county COVID numbers stay low and as long as Oak Meadows has no positive COVID cases.
Visitors at Oak Meadows:
Visitors are allowed into the building at this time but please follow all necessary precautions listed below:
- Anyone entering our building must have their temperature and wellness checked and sign in. This is required every time you come in to the building.
- Two visitor limit at one time in tenant apartments.
- Please stay in the tenant apartment while in visiting. We want to keep all of our tenants safe by limiting the number of visitors walking in the building or in our common areas.
- Remember to wear your masks at all times. (Visitors no longer need to wear eye shields)
- Wash hands frequently and maintain a 6 foot social distance.
- You can visit outside anywhere on our grounds.
Oak Meadows tenants:
- Please continue to wear your masks whenever you leave your apartment.
- When leaving the building please continue to use COVID precautions.
- Wear your mask in stores and public places.
- Avoid large group gatherings.
- Wash your hands frequently and maintain a 6 foot social distance.
- Our dining room will reopen on April 13th as long as we remain COVID free. There will be seating limitations that we will instruct you on at a later date.
- We are excited to have most everyone vaccinated and begin to slowly our building. But please remember we want to remain careful and cautious so we avoid potential positive cases.
COVID testing: Ponds tenants and Oak Meadows staff will be tested again on March 17th beginning at 8am. Pines tenants and Ebenezer staff have a separate testing schedule. We will continue our regular COVID testing. Remember if we do get a positive case we would need to shut down visits again.
On another note! For all tenants, staff and families who park in our underground garage, please remember to park your car in between the lines. Our garage is very full and if you park your car crooked then the car next to you is not able to get in to their spot.
Deb Veit, Executive Director
Deborah Veit
Deborah Veit, Executive Director
Oak Meadows Senior Living
8131 4th St. N
Oakdale, MN 55128