Covid-19 Update 03-05-2021

To: Oak Meadows staff, tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: March 5th, 2021
Re: COVID update
Dear Oak Meadows staff, tenants and families,
All COVID tests for Oak Meadows staff and Ponds tenants came back negative this past week. We now have gone over 6 weeks with no positive COVID cases on our campus. Let’s keep up the good work!
COVID testing: Ponds tenants and Oak Meadows staff will be tested again on March 17th beginning at 8am. Pines tenants and Ebenezer staff have a separate testing schedule.
COVID vaccination clinic for people receiving second dose will be:
March 11th from 9am to 3pm.
Community Room
This clinic is only for people who had their first vaccine dose at our February 11th clinic.
We daily monitor the guidelines recommended by the MN Department of Health for senior living communities. As this time the recommendations are to wear masks, social distance, wash hands and do our COVID testing. Please remember that the CDC and MDH guidelines are indicating that even with being vaccinated we will need to follow precautions until at least 75% of the population has been vaccinated.
Visitors at Oak Meadows:
- Only essential caregivers and compassion visits are allowed into the building at this time. You must be on the essential caregiver list, do not bring a guest with you who is not on that list.
- Please stay in the tenant apartment while in the building. We want to keep all of our tenants safe by limiting the number of visitors walking in the building or in our common areas.
- Two person limit at one time in tenant apartments.
- Remember to wear your masks at all times.
- Anyone entering our building must have their temperature and wellness checked and sign in. This is required every time you come in to the building.
- If you have traveled out of state the CDC recommends that you self isolate for 14 days before coming to visit loved ones in a senior building.
I very much appreciate tenants and families who call to check on visiting policies before coming to visit. Thank you for your patience, understanding and support as we continue our COVID precautions.
Deb Veit, Executive Director
Deborah Veit
Deborah Veit, Executive Director
Oak Meadows Senior Living
8131 4th St. N
Oakdale, MN 55128