Covid-19 update 02-26-21

To: Oak Meadows staff, tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: February 26th , 2021
Re: COVID update
Dear Oak Meadows staff, tenants and families,
Thankfully we have had a quiet week. We now have gone over 5 weeks with no positive COVID cases on our campus. Hooray! We will continue to do everything we can to keep our negative status.
COVID testing: Ponds tenants and Oak Meadows staff on March 3rd beginning with staff at 8am and then going to tenant apartments beginning at 9am.
Third COVID vaccination clinic will be:
March 11th from 9am to 3pm.
Community Room
More info to follow.
We are continually monitoring the State recommendations for Senior Living communities. The Department of Health recommends that as we begin to move toward “normalcy” we do it slowly and we must continue to wear masks, social distance and do our COVID testing. I know many people believe that since we have been vaccinated everything should immediately open up. The CDC and MDH guidelines are indicating that even with being vaccinated we will need to follow precautions until at least 75% of the population has been vaccinated.
In March you will see more activities added to our calendar. At this time we will only have activities where we can continue to wear our masks. We will not be opening the dining room just yet. We will let you know soon when that can happen.
In the meantime, please continue to follow our COVID policies at Oak Meadows for social distancing, wearing masks and frequent hand washing. We are still limiting the number of visitors coming in to the building as well. If your guests have traveled out of state the Department of Health recommends they self isolate for 14 days before coming to visit loved ones in a senior building.
I very much appreciate tenants and families who call first to check on visiting policies. Thank you for your patience as we wade our way through the trenches of this pandemic. As numbers in the county stay low we remain hopeful we can continue to move forward with the “reopen” of our community and our gatherings.
Deb Veit, Executive Director