Covid-19 updated 02-14-21

To: Oak Meadows staff, tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: February 14th , 2021
Re: COVID update
Dear Oak Meadows staff, tenants and families,
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Lots of loving things to celebrate this past week! We had our second vaccination clinic and were able to vaccinate 207 people. For many it was their second dose and for some it was their first dose. Many folks did not feel too well after that second dose but all seem to have recovered now. We are all feeling blessed that we were able to receive the vaccine.
We have also been almost 4 weeks with no positive COVID cases on our campus. Hooray! I have heard there are still some communities experience outbreaks so hopefully we can continue to stay negative. (Our new favorite word!) This next week we will be testing all Ponds tenants and Oak Meadows staff again. Pines tenants and Ebenezer staff continue to do a percentage of weekly testing. At this point the state is still recommending we continue our testing and although many have been vaccinated we must continue to take precautions. Let’s keep up the good work you have all be doing these past months.
Please continue to follow our COVID policies at Oak Meadows for social distancing, wearing masks and frequent hand washing. The CDC and MDH guidelines are indicating that even with being vaccinated we will need to follow precautions until at least 75% of the population has been vaccinated.
COVID testing: Wednesday, February 17th:
8am – Oak Meadows staff in Community room
9am – begin testing Ponds tenants in their apartments
Third COVID vaccination clinic will be:
March 11th from 9am to 3pm.
Community Room
More info to follow.
Jane Gandrud, our office manager is leaving on March 7th. After so many years at Oak Meadows we are very sad to see her leave us but excited for her on this new journey in her career. Please take a moment to read her letter and in the next couple weeks send her a message of good will as she transitions to her new position.
Deb Veit, Executive Director