Covid-19 Update 01-15-21

To: Oak Meadows tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: January 15th , 2021
Re: Weekly COVID Update
Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,
It certainly was a busy and exciting time yesterday as 155 tenants and staff received their first vaccination for COVID. It gives us hope that we are moving in the direction of “normal” living again! It is my understanding from what the pharmacist told me yesterday that it takes about 2 weeks for the first vaccination to offer about 50% immunity against the virus. Then after the second vaccination it takes about 2 weeks more for 95% efficacy. In the meantime we will continue to follow COVID guidelines within our Oak Meadows community.
- Limiting outside visitors and allowing Essential Caregivers only.
- Wearing masks at all times when out of your apartment. Essential Caregivers must wear mask and shield at all times.
- Maintain 6 foot social distance.
- Wash hands frequently.
Important: We have received notice that one of our tenants in assisted living tested positive for Covid this week. They are in isolation and symptoms are being monitored by nursing staff. All other staff and tenant test results have come back negative.
We will be testing again next week in both the Pines and the Ponds. Ponds testing will be on Wednesday, January 20th. Oak Meadows staff will test from 8am to 9am and then we will go to tenant apartments from 9am to 11am.
A friend of mine sent me an interesting interview with Dr. Fauci. Below is the youtube link if you would like to watch it.
If you have questions please feel free to email or call me.
Deb Veit, Executive Director