Covid-19 update 01-06-2021

To: Oak Meadows tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: January 6th, 2021
Re: Very IMPORTANT: COVID and Vaccine update
Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,
The COVID Vaccine is coming to Oak Meadows.
Vaccination date: Thursday, January 14th. 9am to 3pm
Location: Community Room
- A vaccination form was given to tenants. They have to be returned to me by Friday, January 8th at 4:00PM.
- In order for your loved one to have their name on the roster for the vaccination clinic they must return this form to me. If you have questions please call or email me.
- They can come anytime between 9am and 3pm on the 14th but be aware that there may be a wait. We will have chairs lined up 6 feet apart. They must have their masks on.
- This will be the first injection of two injections for the vaccine. The second dose will be 28 days later. We do not know exact date.
COVID update: Great News! All test results for last week’s COVID test came back negative.
IMPORTANT: Ponds Tenants and Oak Meadows staff testing for next week: Wednesday, January 13th beginning at 8:00am. Staff will test first and then we will go to all tenant apartments beginning around 8:30am. We will likely continue weekly testing until we get the second dose of the vaccine. I will keep you posted. Pines tenants and Ebenezer staff will be tested on Monday.
- We are continuing to allow only Essential Caregivers in to the building. We ask that you stay in the tenant apartment and not wander in other parts of the building. Our tenants are out and about in the building and we want to reduce their exposure to outside people as much as possible. When you are in the building and in a tenant’s apartment you must keep your mask and face shield on at all times.
If you have questions, please feel free to email or call me.
Deb Veit, Executive Director