Covid-19 Update 12-31-2020

From: Deb Veit
Date: December 31st , 2020
Re: COVID update
Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,
Happy New Year everyone! I think we are all ready to put 2020 behind us and look forward to healthy and happy 2021. Have a wonderful New Year surrounded by those that mean the most!
COVID update: I am still waiting for our test results from this past Tuesdays testing. I am guessing because of the holiday weekend I may not hear until Monday. I will let you know as soon as I get results. I did get word today that we have an Ebenezer staff person who has tested positive. They have not worked for almost 10 days and will be recovering at home.
IMPORTANT: Ponds Tenants and Oak Meadows staff testing: Tuesday, January 5th beginning at 8:00am. Staff will test first and then we will go to all tenant apartments beginning around 8:30am. We will likely continue weekly testing until we get the vaccination. I will keep you posted. Pines tenants and Ebenezer staff will also be tested on Tuesday.
We are continuing to allow Essential Caregivers in to the building but please remember that all inside visitors are asked to stay in the tenant apartment and not wander in other parts of the building. Our tenants are out and about in the building and we want to reduce their exposure to outside people as much as possible.
Several staff have voiced their concerns to me about going in to tenant apartments and finding guests with their masks off. We need all guests to please keep masks on at all times, not only to protect our tenants but also our staff.
I know this has been a tough holiday season but we just have to hang in there. We are seeing light at the end of this dark tunnel. We just have to stay diligent about being careful and following those 3 simple rules:
- Wear your mask anytime you are around ANYONE!
- Stay 6 feet apart from ANYONE!
- Wash your hand often!
If you have questions please feel free to email or call me.
Deb Veit, Executive Director