Covid-19 Update 12-18-20

To: Oak Meadows tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: December 18th , 2020
Re: COVID update
Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,
COVID update: This week we received the great news that all of our COVID test results were negative. But as I said a couple of days ago, we are not out of the woods yet. The vaccine is still several weeks away and the holidays start next week. We must remain diligent about staying safe, wearing our masks and maintaining social distance. We are going to continue weekly COVID testing for the next few weeks through the holidays.
IMPORTANT: Ponds Tenants and Oak Meadows staff testing: Tuesday, December 22nd beginning at 8:00am. Staff will test first and then we will go to all tenant apartments beginning around 9:00am.
We have begun allowing Essential Caregivers back in to the building but please remember that all inside visitors are asked to stay in the tenant apartment and not wander in other parts of the building. Our tenants are out and about in the building and we want to reduce their exposure to outside people as much as possible.
As we enter the Christmas season I encourage you to take note that Governor Walz is recommending no more than 2 households, less than 10 people at any indoor gatherings. Anyone who is thinking of going out of Oak Meadows for Christmas please follow these guidelines. 2 households means that you, the tenant, are considered 1 household and the home you are going to would be the 2nd household. If there are family members coming from a 3rd household to that gathering then you have now exceeded the recommended guidelines and are taking a risk of getting and spreading COVID. Gov. Walz is extending the pause for indoor dining which means restaurants will continue to only allow curbside pickup, no inside dining. We will continue to keep our dining room closed for the next weeks.
If you have questions you can email or call me. We have been a strong team for the past 10 months and now we need to be even stronger. Please continue to wear your masks anytime you are around ANYONE, stay 6 feet apart from ANYONE and wash your hands A LOT. Blessings everyone.
Deb Veit, Executive Director