Covid Update 12-11-2020

To: Oak Meadows tenants & families
From: Deb Veit
Date: December 11th , 2020
Re: COVID update
Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,
COVID update: As of today we have 5 tenants in assisted living who remain positive for COVID, one of those tenants is in the hospital.
All previous positive tenants have recovered.
All tenants and staff will be off of isolation precautions on December 14th. Sadly we had two tenants pass away on Wednesday of this week.
All staff but one who tested positive are no
longer on quarantine and have returned to work.
Two staff are still at home recovering.
GREAT NEWS! The COVID tests for the Pines tenants and Ebenezer staff were all negative. COVID tests for all Ponds tenants and Oak Meadows staff were also negative. Let’s keep up the good work and keep everyone negative!
Monday, December 14th at 9:00am we will begin a second round of testing all Ponds tenants and Oak Meadows staff. We will begin on 1st floor this time and work our way up. This may take 2-3 hours to complete.
I promise to notify everyone as soon as we have our results so we can begin to allow Essential Caregivers back in to the building and for tenants to move more freely on campus.
Until we complete this second round of testing and receive those results we will continue using our precautionary measures.
- All Ponds tenants please stay in the Ponds building only.
- Pines tenants please stay in your apartments as much as possible.
- We will be restricting visitors into the building until after we get the results of our COVID tests next week.
If you need items from the Oak Meadows store please call reception and we will bill it to your account and have it delivered to you. Deliveries will be taking place Mon – Saturday from 1pm to 6pm and Sundays from 1pm to 3pm.
If you have questions you can email or call me. We have been a strong team for the past 9 months and now we need to be even stronger. The only way to stop this is to continue to wear your masks anytime you are around ANYONE, stay 6 feet apart from ANYONE and wash your hands A LOT. Blessings everyone.
Deb Veit, Executive Director