Covid-19 update 12-04-2020

Date: December 4, 2020
Re: COVID update
Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,
Important update: As of today we have 6 positive COVID cases in assisted living, 6 positive cases in Memory Care. Sadly we had 2 more tenants pass away in Memory Care yesterday. Good news is that one tenant in memory care has recovered and is no longer on the positive list. We have 4 positive staff who are recovering at home. 3 staff have now recovered and been cleared to return to work.
Tuesday, December 8th at 9:00am we will begin testing all Ponds tenants. We will begin on 3rd floor and work our way down. This may take 2-3 hours to complete. I will be placing a form in your mailboxes, please have it filled out and ready when we come to your apartment.
- All Ponds tenants please stay in the Ponds only.
- Pines tenants please stay in your apartments as much as possible.
- We will be restricting visitors into the building until after we get the results of our COVID tests next week.
If you need items from the Oak Meadows store please call reception and we will bill it to your account and have it delivered to you. Deliveries will be taking place daily from 1pm to 3pm and Tues/Thurs from 4pm to 6pm.
If you would like to do a zoom call with family members please call Megan or Katie and they can assist you with making these calls.
As we receive the results of next weeks COVID tests I will let everyone know right away. Likely this will be next Wednesday and Thursday.
If you have questions you can email or call me. It is vital that we stop the spread of this virus in our building immediately. We need everyone’s help to make that happen. We have been a strong team for the past 9 months and now we need to be even stronger. The only way to stop this is to continue to wear your masks anytime you are around ANYONE, stay 6 feet apart from ANYONE and wash your hands A LOT.
I will continue to update you regularly as things change.
Deb Veit, Executive Director