Covid-19 Update 12-02-2020 IMPORTANT UPDATE

Date: December 2nd , 2020
Re: COVID update
Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,
Important update: Results of Mondays tests have come back and we now have 6 new positive cases in assisted living and 9 positive cases in memory care. With this news we will continue to have the assisted living building in temporary isolation. All tenants must stay in their apartments unless they are going to a medical appointment. We will not be able to have any Essential Caregivers come in to the building. Any in person activities including worship are temporarily cancelled. Worship will be on channel 51 only. The beauty salon is closed and all mail delivery in the Pines will be put in the black bags on your doors.
To summarize our situation, as of today we have 21 confirmed positive COVID cases at Oak Meadows. 15 tenants and 6 staff. We now have had 5 tenants pass away in MC. All of memory care remains in quarantine. The positive staff are all recovering at home at this time. 2 staff have recovered and been cleared to come back to work. We have some tenants with mild symptoms and some with more serious symptoms.
All Ponds tenants please stay in the Ponds only. If you need items from the Oak Meadows store please call reception and we will bill it to your account and have it delivered to you.
I am working on having the testing company come out to test the Ponds tenants. I will update you as soon as I know a date. It will either be this Friday or next Tuesday. I would like ALL Ponds tenants to be tested so please try to be available for the testing time. I would also like to ask the Ponds tenants to please limit going to stores, family member homes or outings where you could be exposed. If you feel ill at all please call your doctors office immediately and arrange to be tested. It is vitally important that any positive cases are in isolation as fast as possible in order to stop the spread.
If you have questions you can email or call me. It is vital that we stop the spread of this virus in our building immediately. We need everyone’s help to make that happen. We have been a strong team for the past 9 months and now we need to be even stronger. The only way to stop this is to continue to wear your masks anytime you are around ANYONE, stay 6 feet apart from ANYONE and wash your hands A LOT.
I will continue to update you regularly as things change.
Deb Veit, Executive Director