Covid-19 Updated 09-11-2020

From: Deb Veit
Date: September 11th, 2020
Re: COVID-19 Update – Oak Meadows Website:
Oak Meadows continues to be blessed with no positive COVID cases. We have been so fortunate and lucky. Please help us stay that way. This is not the time to get too relaxed about our precautions.
As our weather begins to cool down I understand that outside visits will become impossible. We will have to come up with other solutions. I also understand how vital it is for our tenants to see their loved ones. So I promise I will work to find ways to have inside visits. I just ask that you follow those policies as we develop them. We will continue the Essential Caregiver visits as long as we are able to stay COVID free. I ask that Essential Caregivers please limit your inside visits to once or twice per week. Not daily.
I know there have been small group gatherings for lunch and birthdays happening throughout the building. I just ask that you remember to social distance, especially when you are eating together and wear your masks when you are chatting with each other. We are not able to have any large group gatherings at this time.
Please remember:
- EVERYONE must wear a mask at all times when out of your apartment. We have noticed many people who go out for appointments that have returned in cars not wearing your mask and the drivers were not wearing their masks either. Please remember that close environments are the most dangerous spots for contacting the virus. WEAR YOUR MASK when riding in a car with someone and make sure they are wearing theirs too.
- You must maintain a 6 foot social distance. Please wash your hands frequently.
- Any person visiting at Oak Meadows, inside or outside, must have their temperature taken at the reception desk and have a mask on. There are no exceptions to this.
- Avoid large gatherings, i.e., church services, restaurants, stores, large family gatherings.
Thank you again to everyone who gave me cards and kind words with the passing of my Mom. It has definitely been a rough couple of weeks and I know I will miss her terribly for the rest of my years on this earth. I am so grateful to all of you for your thoughtfulness and support.
IMPORTANT: Electric heaters are against fire codes in our building. Please do not use electric heaters in your apartments. If the fire marshall does an inspection we could potentially be fined. Our boilers will be turned on the first part of October.
Deb Veit, Executive Director