Covid-19 Updated 08-28-2020

Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,
As we near the end of August I am happy to report that we still do not have any positive COVID cases at Oak Meadows. We have been very fortunate. As I mentioned last week other buildings around us are seeing their second round of positive cases. So, we must continue to be vigilant about following our mask and social distancing policies. We must continue to limit the number of visitors inside the building. I ask that Essential Caregivers please limit your inside visits to once or twice per week. Not daily.
If one person accidentally brings the virus in to our community it has the potential to affect many tenants and staff. Our staff do not want to get COVID either. If we have staff sick then we are short staffed which means providing services to our tenants presents big challenges.
Please make informed decisions so that one bad decision does not cause the virus to spread and remember:
- EVERYONE must wear a mask at all times when out of your apartment. You must maintain a 6 foot social distance. Please wash your hands frequently. And any person visiting at Oak Meadows, inside or outside, must have their temperature taken at the reception desk and have a mask on. There are no exceptions to this.
- Avoid large gatherings, i.e., church services, restaurants, stores, large family gatherings.
IMPORTANT INFO: As we see more Essential Caregivers coming in to our building I ask all tenants please DO NOT EVER open the door to our building for someone you do not know. It is important to keep our building safe for everyone.
Again, thank you to everyone for helping us get through this time.
Deb Veit, Executive Director
P.S. Did you know we can do hospice here? You may use your own company or one that coordinates with our home care.
And, we received this from the Washington County Library System, in case you would like to check it out.
Washington County Library’s read-aloud program for adults, called Hear! Here!, which is now available on YouTube! We invite you to view these videos.
Hear! Here! is for adults of all ages, especially those who may struggle reading independently due to dementia or vision loss. Previously, library staff delivered this program in person by visiting senior living facilities, but are now working to provide content online for those who are vulnerable to COVID-19 and most in need of quality programming.
Additionally, Washington County Library is developing other online programs that may be of interest to your residents. This includes online Memory Cafes for those experiencing memory loss and their caregivers, and an End of Life series this fall. You can watch our calendar for upcoming events.
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions and thank you for helping us spread the word!
Gretchen Benson | Librarian I
Washington County Library, Oakdale Branch
1010 Heron Ave North, Oakdale, MN 55128
Branch: 651-730-0504