Covid-19 updated 8-14-20

At this time Oak Meadows does not have any positive COVID cases. But unfortunately our state and country are continuing to see an uptick in the number of positive cases. We have seen a big increase with the number of family members coming in to the building to visit versus visiting outside and with requests for tenants to go to large group gatherings. Recently a funeral in Lake Park, MN with 50 people in attendance had over 30 people get infected with COVID. My brother in law was at that funeral. He was one of the fortunate ones who did not get sick. Until this virus starts to decline in the number of positive cases we must continue to be vigilant about protecting our community. One positive case in our building would put us back into lockdown.
If one person accidentally brings the virus in to our community it has the potential to affect many. Not only tenants but our staff too. If we have staff sick then we are short staffed which means providing services to our tenants presents large challenges. I am asking everyone to please consider asking yourselves these questions when making your decisions:
- How necessary it is for you to come in to the building to visit? Can the visit be outside instead?
- How necessary is it for you to attend a funeral with large numbers?
- How necessary is it for you to attend that large family gathering?
- How necessary is it for you to go out of town?
Please make informed decisions so that one bad decision does not cause the virus to spread. I understand we are all very tired of the restrictions this virus has placed on our lives. We are all missing seeing the people we love and doing normal things. We are all tired of masks and social distancing. But we all need to do our part to keep everyone safe, healthy and to get through this virus. Please remember:
- Always remember that EVERYONE must wear a mask at all times when out of your apartment. You must maintain a 6 foot social distance. Please wash your hands frequently. And any person visiting at Oak Meadows, inside or outside, must have their temperature taken and have a mask on. There are no exceptions to this.
- Beginning August 17th any deliveries dropped off at the Pines entrance will be delivered to apartments Monday – Sunday between the hours of 1:00pm and 3:00pm and also on Mondays and Thursday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. If you are expecting items that require refrigeration please make sure they are dropped off during those times only.
Again, thank you to everyone for helping us get through this time.
Deb Veit, Executive Director