Covid-19 Updated 8-7-20

At this time Oak Meadows does not have any positive COVID cases. We have been very fortunate and we are grateful for all of your assistance in following our protocol to keep our community safe and free of COVID. The State of MN continues to increase in daily number of cases so we must continue to be vigilant about the safety of our tenants and staff.
Please read carefully:
- Beginning August 17th we will need to restrict the hours we can accept grocery and deliveries from families. In order to continue to deliver items to your apartments we will need all deliveries to be brought to the Pines entrance Monday – Sunday between the hours of 1:00pm and 3:00pm and also on Mondays and Thursday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. We really appreciate your cooperation in following these times for drop offs
- I am receiving many questions about being an Essential Caregiver. I understand that families want to come in to the building to see their loved one. In order for us to continue to keep our tenants safe and healthy we have established some guidelines for determining Essential Visits which I have posted on the back side of this letter. We are also requiring that Essential Caregivers fill out an application prior to requesting the visit. You can email me your request and I will send you the application. Once I have the application returned to me I will review it with our Director of Nursing to determine the necessity of the visit. I will notify you of the approval and the forms will be kept at our reception desk so the receptionists are aware of who is approved to enter the building. If you have already been approved as an essential caregiver you may pick up the form at the front desk the next time you are in the building. We would like all Essential Caregivers to have a form on file.
- When Essential Visitors come in to the building we ask that you get your temp checked at the main entrance (the Pines door) and that you wear a mask at all times and please do not wander other areas of the building.
- And always remember that EVERYONE must continue to wear a mask at all times when out of your apartment. You must maintain a 6 foot social distance. Please wash your hands frequently. And any person visiting at Oak Meadows, inside or outside, must have their temperature taken and have a mask on.
Again, thank you to everyone for helping us get through this time. We know this is hard. We want you to know we are here for you if you need anything, anytime.
Deb Veit, Executive Director
Oak Meadows recognizes the importance of social distancing to help keep tenants safe from exposure to COVID-19, while also acknowledging the unintended consequences of prolonged social distancing and isolation on a tenant’s overall health and well-being, particularly with tenants who have had friends, family, or caregivers participate actively in their care prior to the pandemic.
The following protocols will be utilized to address the desire for Essential Caregivers* effective (8/7/2020).
Essential Caregiver* (EC) Eligibility:
Tenant Representatives requesting an essential caregiver need to meet these qualifications:
- An essential caregiver (EC) is an individual actively engaged in caring for the tenant at least once per week to help with essential services such as: medication set up, financial support, ADL assistance, shopping, etc…
- Provides companionship for a tenant with significant mental decline, failure to thrive or exacerbated signs of depression.
- Can be a family member, an outside caregiver, friend or volunteer.
- The tenant approves whom to designate as the EC.
- There may be times the tenant wishes to designate more than one EC.
· The EC is identified in the tenant’s care profile (made available to staff).
Requesting Essential Caregivers
Qualifying tenant representatives can request an essential caregiver using the following process:
- The EC applicant may contact the Executive Director to request an application to become an EC. Forms will be emailed to you upon request. The Executive Director will consult with the tenant and Director of Nursing and give you an answer within 48-hours of the approval or denial of your request.
You will then be given instructions on how to schedule a visit.
- The community will attempt to accommodate the ECs schedule taking into consideration how many ECs are in the community at one time. Visit must be schedule 24-hours in advance with the Executive Director.