Covid-19 Updated 7-30-2020

To: Oak Meadows Tenants, Staff and Families
From: Deb Veit
Date: July 30th, 2020
Re: COVID-19 Update – Oak Meadows Website :
Dear Oak Meadows tenants, staff and families,
Oak Meadows continues to have no new positive cases of COVID-19. We have been very fortunate and we are grateful for all of your assistance in following our protocol to keep our community safe and free of COVID.
Please read carefully.
- For all men needing a haircut again our new barber will be here on August 10th at 9:30am. We have a different barber who will now be with us permanently. Her name is Ann Clark and she will be coming the 2nd Monday of the month. You can make an appointment by calling the reception desk.
- I have recently received some concerns from a few of our tenants about visitors they have seen in our building. One concern was about a group of more than 4 people who were visiting in a lobby area. Visitors who are deemed essential may only be in the tenant apartment and may not roam or sit in other areas of our building. We continue to allow essential visitors ONLY in to the building. We also limit the number of visitors in the building at a time. This is for the safety of our tenants. This is their home and the more people coming in to the building the more they are at risk for getting this virus. All essential visits must first be approved.
- Essential visits are determined by the needs for the tenant. This could be health related, assistance with a daily living skill or something else. But all inside visits must have prior authorization. We also discourage visitors coming in to our building who have traveled or are coming from other states.
- Beginning Monday, August 3rd our mailman will begin putting Ponds tenants only mail into their mailboxes. Ponds tenants will also be able to use the outgoing mail slot in your lobby area. You must maintain social distancing. So if someone is picking up their mail please wait 6 feet away until they are finished and then you may get your mail. We will continue to deliver mail to the Pines tenants black bags for now. We will let you know when that changes.
- EVERYONE must continue to wear a mask at all times when out of your apartment. You must maintain a 6 foot social distance. Please wash your hands frequently. And any person visiting at Oak Meadows, inside or outside, must have their temperature taken.
- We do have new tenants moving in during the next few weeks. We ask them to self-isolate the first 5 days of being here.
Again, thank you to everyone for helping us get through this time. We know this is hard. We want you to know we are here for you if you need anything, anytime.
Deb Veit, Executive Director