Covid-19 Updated May 15, 2020

May 15, 2020
Dear Oak Meadows tenants and families,
As of today we continue to be free of any positive COVID-19 cases here at Oak Meadows. We hope to keep it that way! Wednesday night Governor Walz began to move MN towards reopening. I know you all are wondering what that means for us at Oak Meadows.
At this point it does not change anything for us. In his plan to reopen MN the governor has outlined many areas that will need to maintain sheltering in place for a while longer. We fall into that category! We must hang in there and continue with what we have been doing.
Please read below for our Oak Meadows policies as we continue to shelter in place:
- Always wear your mask when not in your apartment, even when outside. If you need more masks let us know as we do have extras. We have noticed some people take their masks off to talk to each other or wear their mask under their chin. Please wear masks at all times covering your nose and mouth.
- If you meet a family member outside you must all be wearing masks, including your family member. And you must social distance. We will continue to limit visits inside the building to ‘essential visits’ only. If you have questions about what is “essential” please call me.
- You can go outside to the patios in the Community Room and Multi Purpose rooms or the Memory Garden in front of the Pines entrance or outside the Ponds entrance. But please DO NOT sit at the Pines entrance. There is a tremendous amount of people coming and going at that entrance so we want to limit your exposure to others.
- Remember to stay 6 feet from all other people. SOCIAL DISTANCE!
- Wash your hands whenever you have been out of your apartment.
- Continue to stay away from large stores and large groups.
- Remember to keep you black bag hanging outside of your apartment door. Your mail should be kept private and putting it in the black bag keeps it less visible to others. Plus the black bags are constantly getting treats and fun stuff!
- The Beauty Salon will NOT be able to reopen before June 1st and we are uncertain at what point it will open after June. The Board of Cosmetology determines all regulations for the beauty salon.
- Thank you again to the generosity of families, tenants and others for the generous donations of money, treats and other items. We are ever so grateful to everyone.
We all know this is very challenging for everyone. Whatever we can do to make this a little easier for your life we will try to do. Things may be different for a while but all staff constantly work on ideas to create fun for all of you, to keep you safe and healthy, and to make life as enjoyable as we can.
~ Deb Veit, Executive Director