Prayer for Oak Meadows from a former co-worker

By Donna Hanson
(reception coordinator from 1998-2008 before retiring)
Dear God of all Creation,
You have been with us for many years and during many experiences,
We pray for your comfort and strength during this time of unimaginable events.
You walked with us during wars, illnesses, family crises, economic distress, betrayals, broken promises, and all kinds of human failures,
Now we pray for peace and reassurance as we wait for our community, country, and world to heal.
We feel lonely and isolated from our loved ones and friends. We miss their warm hugs and loving words. May we soon be able to see their beautiful faces and hear their familiar voices. Please keep them safe and well while we are apart.
We have seen many springs come and go, but we have never known Passover or Easter to be observed in a way that we will be doing this year.
Help us wrap our minds around this dismaying upheaval and discover new ways to acknowledge what is in our hearts.
May we realize and acknowledge that the staff and our caregivers have their own families, concerns, and needs. Help us be respectful and give them space to adjust to this new reality.
We are often reminded that we are in this together, and the tenants of Oak Meadows have the ability and opportunity to give as well as receive help and encouragement in this difficult time.
We know, O God, you hear our lamentations, but we also know you hear our prayers of thanksgiving and praise.
We give thanks for your care and love of our bodies, minds, and spirits.
We give thanks for the many faith journeys that have sustained us these many years.
We give thanks for our families and friends.
We give thanks for the wonderful community in which we live.
We give thanks for the great staff and caregivers who daily attend to our needs and desires.
Bless them as they go home, take care of their personal responsibilities, and care for their loved ones. May they also be ministered to in loving ways.
We give thanks for our community, state, country, and all the freedoms that are ours to enjoy.
We give thanks for all the helpers and healers that are working tirelessly to bring an end to this terrible virus. Protect them and may they have all the resources they need.
We give thanks for vocations and skills which have provided resources and sustenance for ourselves and our families.
We give thanks for the delicious food and the many blessings that make our lives enjoyable and bring pleasure to us each day.
We give thanks for our cell phones, books, TV, and other forms of communication and entertainment.
We give thanks for the hobbies we have had throughout the years. And we remember fondly our pets and other animals both wild and tame.
We give thanks for the outdoors and all the memories we have of spending time in your Creation.
And, we give thanks, dear God, for all your promises which have been answered with a resounding ‘Yes’ through your Son, Jesus Christ! In His name we pray now and forever.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Donna was a “jack of all trades” and always pitched in wherever she was needed. By saying blessings, hosting cooking classes,
bringing in corn from her farm, and always planting beautiful gardens!