Oak Meadows Website wins award

The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits and MAP for Nonprofits are pleased to honor the following Minnesota nonprofit innovators for their forward thinking approach to utilizing technology and communications in their organizations.

 Oak Meadows’ award:  Website Redesign


 Oak Meadows is a nonprofit senior living community committed to providing excellent care, engaging activities, and a strong community. Through a recent website redesign they aimed to identify and speak to the needs of their various website visitors, provide information that was easy to access, and communicate the climate and feel of Oak Meadow. Seniors and their family members visiting the website now find an extremely visual site including a video and photo tour of Oak Meadows, and videos of community events. Available resources include tips on transitioning to a new community, as well as calendars and newsletters that help families stay connected. The content is written with SEO best practices to streamline search processes. Emphasis on graphic design makes the site easy to navigate, and attention to user needs resulted in supportive features such as font size increase adjustments and streamlined read-at-a-glance text. Brandography was the company that did the redesign.

The other winners are:  Caring Bridge, Minnesota Literacy Council and Minnesota Historical Society.