Covid-19 Updated 6-18-2020

To:         Oak Meadows Tenants and families

From:     Deb Veit

Date:     June 18th ,   2020

Re:          Weekly Coronavirus Update:


Dear Oak Meadows  tenants and families,




Oak Meadows continues to remain clear of any positive COVID-19 cases. Our homecare tenants and homecare staff were tested on Wednesday and we should have the results back within a few days. I will keep you posted of those results. The Oak Meadows staff and Ponds tenants may have the opportunity to be tested sometime this summer but I am uncertain of that date at this time. The State will notify me when they can come to our site.


I realize many things in our state are starting to reopen. But please remember that reopening at Oak Meadows has to be slower than the rest of the state.  Please see the guide that is under a post below.  It indicates the levels of risk for various areas. Number 1 being the lowest risk and 9 being the highest risk. I know that some tenants have been going out to stores and some have asked me about family gatherings. Whether you live at Oak Meadows or if you still lived in your house these areas would be a risk for you due to age. We want you to be safe and not take unnecessary risks. We have put many things in place to help you so you do not need to go to these places. Please reconsider making decisions that are not safe. No one including staff at Oak Meadows want to get COVID-19. We all must use proper precautions.


We continue to ask you to wear masks anytime you are out of your apartment.


You may go outdoors for fresh air with your mask on. All visitors are required to wear masks outdoors also. Maintain social distancing and wash your hands.


We discourage our tenants from going to restaurants, stores, churches, salons, people’s homes and public places where you increase your risk of exposure to COVID.


Doctor and dental appointments are necessary so it is okay to go out to appointments but make sure to take proper precautions.


We will continue to allow only essential visits in to the building. You may call me anytime with questions regarding essential visits. Please do not have family come in to our building without prior authorization. It is important that everyone gets their temp checked and that we have a record of who has been in the building in case we do get a positive COVID case.


Our barber will be here on Saturday, June 20th at 10am. Please call me for an appointment.



Daily I monitor the recommendations from the MN Dept of Health for senior communities.  Those are the guidelines we have put in place for our Oak Meadows community. Please call me anytime with questions.




~ Deb Veit, Executive Director
